Consulting Services

with Jay B. Cutts, MA

Consulting for Non-Profits and For Profit Organizations in the Areas of:


A Letter from Jay Cutts

Dear Executive Director or CEO,

I'm the executive director of the Cutts Graduate Reviews – an organization that has helped students around the world get accepted to graduate and professional school for 19 years - but I'm not writing to you in that capacity. Rather, I'm writing as an educator and business person with over 30 years experience who is interested in supporting organizations such as yours that are working toward making our society a better place.

Cutts Graduate Reviews is my full time business but it doesn't take up my full time. I'm also available to non-profit organizations and small businesses as a consultant. My relationships with these organizations are a gratifying way for me to participate in the very worthwhile projects that so many good people have built over the years, while bringing to you the various areas of expertise that have grown out of my own work.

In other words, if I can be of some help to you, I'd love to talk.

The main areas in which I consult include:

Program development
Marketing strategies and web communication tools
Harnessing the power of electronic technologies
Instructional design and curriculum development
Training – in house and for clients
Distance learning content and technologies
Writing, copy writing, article writing
Creative problem solving

I very much enjoy working with people whose projects help create a fairer and healthier world. I have personal interests in educational opportunities for minorities/women/underrepresented groups, the environment, sustainable economics, sustainable agriculture, health and wellness, international cooperation, cultural diversity and small business opportunities, among others.

If you have projects that require a little extra TLC and expert attention, please feel free to contact me. I'm happy to work with you on a one time project or to get to know your organization better through a longer relationship. Location is not an issue. I work with people around the world.

My resume and additional information are on this site. Please take a look at it and call with questions.

Thanks so much for your time.


Jay B. Cutts

Director, Cutts Graduate Reviews


For a free consultation about your organization's needs, please call

Jay at (505) 281-0684


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