Enter Your Auction Bid

For Up to $100 Off of

A Cutts Personal LSAT Tutorial


Rules for the Auction:

  1. Bids are accepted every week until Sunday midnight Mountain time for the following Monday winner.
  2. Minimum bid is $75. The full price of the course outside of the auction is $175. All bids will be considered to be in US dollars.
  3. You may enter more than one bid.
  4. One course is auctioned each Monday. Highest bidder will be notified within 7 days.
  5. Auction is for one set of videotapes, value $175US. It does not include phone support time, which can be purchased separately. Winner must put the usual refundable deposit on the tapes and must pay usual shipping and handling.

Bid Here!


Day Phone w/ area code: 
Evening phone w/ area code: 
Your state (w/in US) or country: 

Enter Your Bid. Minimum bid is $75 US. 

Do Not Bid More Than $175.

Comments or questions on your admissions plans?: When are you taking the LSAT? What score do you need?